
In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of the 21st century, the concept of anointing may not be as common or well-understood as it once was. However, its significance and relevance remain just as powerful today.

Anointing is a spiritual practice that dates back centuries, rooted in biblical traditions and used to symbolize empowerment, protection, and divine favor. While its literal meaning may involve pouring oil on someone’s head, its deeper essence lies in the act of consecration and setting apart for a higher purpose.

In our modern context, anointing can take various forms. It can be seen as seeking guidance from a higher power or connecting with one’s inner spirituality. Anointment is about acknowledging our vulnerability and surrendering ourselves to something greater than us.

To anoint someone’s head with oil today does not necessarily require physical oil but rather involves intentionality and mindfulness. It can represent offering support or encouragement to others during challenging times. It could mean actively listening without judgment or lending a helping hand when needed most.

As we navigate through life’s uncertainties, finding solace in moments of anointment can bring comfort and strength. Just as a shepherd would care for their flock by anointing them with oil, so too can we provide love, compassion, and reassurance to those around us.

So let us embrace the spirit of the Good Shepherd – our Lord – who guides us along our journey and invites us to be vessels of his grace in this world. May we find ways to “anoint” each other’s heads with kindness, understanding, empathy – qualities that transcend time and resonate deeply within every human heart.

Let us carry forth this ancient tradition into the 21st century – being Psalm 23:5b shepherds for one another – spreading love wherever we go!

And now I invite you: How will you choose to “anoint” those around you today?