December 8: Luke 8 Devotional

Parable of the Sower

In Luke 8, Jesus tells a story about a farmer who went out to sow seeds. Some fell along the path and were trampled on; others fell on rocky ground and withered away; and still others fell among thorns and choked. But there were also seeds that fell on good soil and produced an abundant crop.

The parable is not about farming in Palestine in the first century, but about how we live today! Jesus explains that the seeds represent God’s word, which falls upon different hearts or receptivity levels. Some fall alongside the road, others on rocks, a few among the weeds, and a fortunate few on good soil. Each location represents a different reaction to God’s message: rejection, fleeting acceptance, distraction by life’s concerns, and finally, proper understanding and acceptance in good, fertile heart soil.

Although it may be difficult to accept, we can all be any of those soils at any time. A side of us is hard as a rock, rejecting the truth upon hearing it. Yet, there’s also that side that’s fertile and fruitful, soaking up God’s Word and sprouting faith like nobody’s business!

Purpose of parables

Why did not Jesus say what He wanted to say? The purpose of parables is quite fascinating. You see, Jesus used these stories to convey profound spiritual truths in a way that was relatable and easily understood by His audience.

Parables were a powerful teaching tool because they engaged people’s imaginations and sparked their curiosity. Instead of simply telling people what they needed to know, Jesus invited them on a journey of discovery. He made abstract ideas real by using examples from farming, fishing, and everyday life.

Another reason Jesus used parables was to distinguish between those genuinely interested in understanding and those only interested in the surface. The meaning of the parable was only apparent to some who heard it. Those who truly desired wisdom would seek further explanation from Jesus or His disciples. They would dig deeper into the hidden meanings contained within the stories. But those whose hearts were hardened or closed off would dismiss the teachings as entertainment. Jesus knew that not everyone was ready to receive His message fully then. So, he used parables as both an invitation for sincere seekers and a challenge for those who were resistant or indifferent.

Next time you read one of Jesus’ parables, take some time to reflect on its deeper meaning beyond its surface story. Allow yourself to be drawn into the mystery and wisdom contained within these captivating tales!

Brings calm to a storm

In Luke 8, we witness a remarkable event where Jesus displays his authority and power over nature. As Jesus and his disciples embarked on a boat journey across the Sea of Galilee, a violent storm suddenly arose, threatening to capsize their vessel. The winds howled while waves crashed against the boat, filling it with water. Panic ensued as experienced fishermen feared for their lives. Amid this chaos, Jesus remained undisturbed, peacefully sleeping in the stern. The disciples woke Jesus up by screaming, “Master! Master!” They were desperate for help. We are perishing! With three words, “Peace be still,” Jesus scolded the wind and completely calmed the stormy sea. The storm ceased its fury; tranquility replaced turmoil.

This miraculous act left both awe and fear in those who witnessed it. The disciples marveled at this demonstration of divine power that surpassed all natural understanding. When they saw this, they knew they were with someone much more powerful than anything on earth could understand. Through calming the storm, Jesus revealed his dominion over creation and his ability to bring peace amidst life’s most turbulent moments. His actions resonated deeply within each disciple’s heart and continue to resonate within ours today.

He calmed that stormy sea a long time ago, and He can calm our hearts and give us an everlasting sense of peace even when life’s most complicated things happen.

Heals a woman and Jairus’ daughter.

In the final accounts of Luke 8, we witness two powerful displays of Jesus’ healing power. First, there was a woman who had been suffering from a bleeding condition for twelve years. She reached out in faith and touched the edge of Jesus’ cloak, believing that just by touching Him, she would be healed. And her faith was rewarded! Instantly, her bleeding stopped, and she was made whole.

But before Jesus could fully celebrate this miraculous healing, news came that Jairus’ daughter had died. Despite the mourners telling him it was too late, Jesus encouraged Jairus to have faith and believe. When they arrived at Jairus’ house, Jesus took the child’s hand and spoke words full of life: “My child, get up!” And just like that, the girl woke up from death!

The thing is, she and Jairus are diametrically opposed. The lower rung versus the upper crust is a marginalized woman versus a synagogue leader. But they had one thing in common: they both needed Jesus.

Is it not typical of Him to come to our aid in our hour of need, regardless of our circumstances? In the end, no one is beyond Jesus’ compassion. Whether we’re clinging to the fringe of His robe from the back of the crowd or inviting Him into our homes, His response is still the same. Redemption, love, and healing. May we open our hearts to receive His teachings like good soil so His Word can take root within us. Let us have faith like the woman with the issue of blood and reach out to touch Him for our healing needs. May we trust in His ability to calm any storm around us.

Today, let these words serve as a reminder that there is hope in Christ, no matter what storms you are going through or what burdens you are carrying. His authority extends to all troubled situations, including physical and spiritual sickness. So let us come to Him with expectant faith, knowing that He is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).


Dear Lord, thank You for the stories of Your healings in Luke 8. They remind us of Your power and compassion for those who are broken and hurting. Help us have faith like the woman, reaching out to touch You for our healing needs. May we have faith in Your ability to calm any storm that threatens us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.